Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New article reviwing active video game studies

9-8-10: Just rec'd a PDF of this review article entitled, "Active video games to promote physical activity in children and youth", by Elaine Biddis and Jennifer Irwin. It came out in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescence Medicine, 2010; 164(7):664-672.

The objective of this study was to "...systematically review levels of metabolic expenditure and changes in activity pattenrs associated wtih active video game (AVG) play in children and to provide directions for future research efforts." This covered published studies spanning Jan. 1, 1998 to Jan. 1, 2010.

If you'd like a copy of this study via PDF, send me an e-mail at

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New exergaming rating system announced!

9-7-10: On Monday, The Exergame Network rolled out a press release announcing the newly developed and most comprehensive exergaming rating system to date. Created by a group of exergaming experts from around the world, this system looks at the whole "experience" and not just one or two factors.

This will help consumers, parents, fitness trainer, healthcare practitioners, and others who either are recommending exergames to their patients/clients or trying to make a choice for themselves.

You can see the whole rating system HERE.

Check it out and give me your feedback!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Exercise can trump obesity gene!

9-3-10: Another study showing how healthy behaviors such as exercise CAN change our genetic makeup! Check out this study here.

Exergaming Rating System; Denting Peds Obesity?

9-3-10: The Opposing View posted an interesting article on the need for a rating system for exergaming (aka Active gaming) to help consumers know what they are getting as far as exercise is concerned.

Also asked if exergaming could put a dent in the peds obesity epidemic.

Be sure to read the "comment" section for the answers to these 2 questions!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Finding Social Support for PA by ACE

9-1-10: As we enter a new month, now's a good time to give your exercise program a boost. Some may want to see how they can find new social networks for exercising. Well ACE has an excellent article that I highly recommend with a lot of tips. Click HERE to read this article!