Free Resource Directory Empowers Local Residents to Eat Healthy and Be Active
Network for a Healthy California—Desert Sierra Region Helps Residents Make Health a Priority Even in Tough Economic Times
San Bernardino, Riverside, and Inyo Counties, September 16, 2009 - The Network for a Healthy California—Desert Sierra Region (Network) released its new and improved Be Active Resource Directory to empower community members to be active every day, even on a budget. The Resource Directory not only includes free & low cost physical activity opportunities but also provides valuable nutrition & health assistance resources to encourage San Bernardino, Riverside and Inyo County residents to take steps to improve their health. “The Directory is a great resource for families and individuals who are struggling to stay healthy on a limited budget. It includes free walking clubs, trails and certified farmer’s market locations. I encourage everyone to use the Directory, share it with their family, friends, and co-workers, and make healthy lifestyle changes together,” says Pamela Sampson, RD, Physical Activity Coordinator, Network for a Healthy California—Desert Sierra Region.
The Directory is a valuable tool for families to find activities that are free or reasonably priced; for professionals in promoting affordable referrals for their clients; and the community at large who are dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle for adults, children and youth. It includes locations for indoor and outdoor recreation and instruction for activities such as hiking, skating, swimming, dancing, equestrian, martial arts, and more. It provides contact information for a variety of nutrition and health services, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program, nutrition and physical activity education materials, classes for seniors, and free mammograms and pap smears for those who qualify. Download the Be Active Resource Directory for FREE at in the Things You Can Use section.
Eating fruits and vegetables and getting regular physical activity improves overall health and reduces the risk of many health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer. There are many fun ways to get physically active and eat healthy at little or no cost:
· Walk, bike, or jog with a friend or family member after dinner
· Plant a fruit and vegetable garden and eat what you grow
· Play with your kids- tag, jump rope, and hide and seek
· Purchase fruits and vegetables in season or on sale
· Dance to your favorite music
· Use the stairs instead of the elevator
· Get on and off the bus a couple of blocks away from your work
· Walk the farmer’s market for fresh fruits & vegetables
The Resource Directory is one of many ways the San Bernardino County Department of Public
Health Nutrition Program, the Riverside County Department of Public Health Nutrition Services and the Network have joined forces to empower low-income Californians to be Champions for Change and make health a priority by eating more fruits and vegetables and being physically active every day. To learn more about the Network, how to become a Champion for Change and how food stamps can increase your food budget, visit
For more information, or to inquire how you can have your resource listed in the Be Active Resource Directory, please contact Pamela Sampson, RD, Physical Activity Coordinator, Network for a Healthy California—Desert Sierra Region, San Bernardino County DPH-Nutrition, 909-387-9144 or